Clean Burn is the Leader
Clean Burn is the world leader in waste oil furnaces and boilers.
In 1979, the first Clean Burn furnace was created with a goal of allowing small shops to burn waste oil instead of high priced fuel oil. It was the start of an industry, and it wasn’t long before others got into business. Clean Burn was up for the challenge.
Lead Through Innovation
Burning waste oil is much more complicated than burning normal fuel oil. Fuel oil is clean and consistent, but waste oil might come from a car or a heavy duty construction tractor. It might contain thin transmission fluid or heavy grease. It can also be full of grime that collects in the bottom of an engine, consisting of everything from metal filings to ash to sand and grit. This sludge plugs jets and chokes off the fuel supply in a normal furnace.
Solutions, then More Innovation
Clean Burn solved the problems of burning this wildly variable energy source, and went further to drastically increase the efficiency of their furnaces and boilers and reduce the maintenance involved. A typical Clean Burn boiler requires only 30 minutes of maintenance every 750-1000 hours, while competitors demand 2 hours of cleaning every 400 hours.
At the same time, Clean Burn has 250% more heated surface area than competitors which means that you get more heat out of every drop of oil. The oil may be free, but there is no reason to waste the energy in it.
More Than Technology
Clean Burn realized that having the best product doesn’t mean you’ll be the most successful. That’s why they created the most advanced dealer system in the industry, recruiting top notch companies like Master Burn as exclusive dealers who provide outstanding customer service before, during and after the sale.
The Very Best Warranty
Clean Burn’s design and technology is so good, that they have the best warranty in the business. While competitors pro-rate the critical heat exchanger, paying less and less every year, Clean Burn has a 100%, 10 year / 15,000 hour replacement on their heat exchanger. Nobody else in the industry comes close.
The Results
Clean Burn Furnaces and Boilers are easier to install, have 80% less maintenance, the highest fuel efficency, and last longer than any other waste oil fired furnace and boiler available. That’s why more than 80,000 Clean Burn units are in service today recycling millions of gallons of waste oil every year. No other waste oil burner manufacturer even comes close.
considering recycling your waste oil and want to know more about the environmental and economic advantages?
Call Master Burn in Sioux Falls. Call 605-543-5817